Society of the Snow

Watched: January 6, 2024

How Strongly I Recommend It: 5/10

Spanish language movie on Netflix

Story of an Uruguayan rugby team who got into a plane crash en route to Chile in October 1972.

Of 40 passengers and 5 crew, 33 survive the crash. For the next 72 days, they are struggling to survive in the Andes in freezing cold, avalanches, starvation, and hopelessness. Many die along the way but 16 survived to make it off the mountain.

The survivors were completely unprepared. They were only wearing what they had stepped onto the plane with. They had almost no food. And the only shelter they had was the destroyed fuselage of the plane.

Within days of crashing, they resorted to cannibalism - eating the bodies of their deceased friends.

The story is amazing. Humans are capable of incredible feats of survival and this story is well worth studying. However, I rated the movie low because I found it to be really slow and too long. A better use of time would to read the Wikipedia page about the event and watch a documentary with real footage like this one:

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