Book of Eli

Watched: January 4, 2024

How Strongly I Recommend It: 7/10

[intentionally vague to not spoil]

Denzel Washington is Eli, the main character. He is a survivor in a post-apocalyptic world. The film is extremely dark and gray and there is very little color throughout.

Eli has a backpack with some basic survival equipment and a large book. And that’s it. He is walking by himself down a desolate road. Occasionally he encounters highway bandits who try to rob him of his belongings but he’s a badass and always manages to defend himself.

Eli’s book is extremely important. There is a powerful man who is trying to steal the book from Eli. He tries all sorts of maneuvers to get it from him and eventually succeeds but Eli gets away and continues his journey without the book.

Eli finally reaches his destination which is a group of survivors living on an island. To them, he is able to recite the contents of the book from memory so that it can be transcribed and rewritten.

Meanwhile, there is a plot twist which makes the book stolen from Eli completely unreadable to the antagonist.

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