Inspiration Can Be Deceiving

Listening to Lex Fridman’s interview with Pieter Levels right now:

Pieter is awesome, I’ve followed his work for several months now. And every time I go down the rabbit hole on his story, I can’t help but feel inspired. It makes me want to try 12 startups in 12 months or drop everything and start building indie apps like he does. He makes it sound so romantic. Travel the world, have complete freedom, make tons of money. And it’s true, he has built a lifestyle where he’s achieved that.

But then I remember I don’t love coding. It wouldn’t be sustainable for me to build software all day every day like he does. You have to genuinely love doing that.

There’s other things I love like teaching and making videos. So I’ve built my own version of what Pieter does around those pursuits.

Getting inspired by what others are doing is deceiving because it may be an awesome lifestyle for them but misery for you.

As Naval says, you must find “what looks like work to others but feels like play to you.”

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