I'm Going to Start Writing Daily

Yesterday, I listened to an outstanding TED Talk that has me feeling inspired to start writing daily.

It’s this one by Mathew Dicks, a professional storyteller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7p329Z8MD0

Go watch it.

In it, he tells how spending 5 minutes each night writing down one story from the day has changed his life.

First, his life feels more important because each day he forces himself to reflect on the seemingly mundane events of the day and pull an interesting lesson from it.

Second, he remembers things better.

Third, he never runs out of stories.

I thought that was so cool. And also timely because I’d been procrastinating on a story that I ended up writing yesterday because I thought it too was mundane. Inspired by the talk, I wrote it and published it. (Here’s that story: https://blog.rosszeiger.com/53614/fix-the-toilet)

Starting yesterday, I’m going to write one story every day, as Matthew suggested in his talk.

Seriously, go watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7p329Z8MD0

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