How to Win the Game of Youtube - Video Notes

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My notes from watching How to Win the Game of Youtube by MagnatesMedia

  • Youtube is like a video game; you need to level up in different skills: storytelling, camera work, editing, etc
  • there are strategies that can help you win
  • Everyone starts at 0 skills, 0 subs, 0 strategy
  • There are level unlocks like becoming a YT partner
  • Most people post without any strategy
  • Like losing weight (eat fewer calories and exercise), growing on Youtube is simple (make better videos that people want to watch) but hard
  • "You have to learn the rules of the game then play better than anyone else." - Albert Einstein
  • How to grow on YT in one sentence: "Get people to click on your video, then watch your video, then come back for more of your videos."
  • Replace the word 'algorithm' with 'audience'
  • Every Youtube video can be scored on 10 areas:
    • Video topic and concept
      • If you want a viral video, it needs to be a broadly interesting topic
    • Title
      • Advertise your video in the most interesting way possible
      • Shorter titles do better
      • Optimize for PEOPLE not search results
    • Thumbnail
      • Use to test out how your thumbnail looks
      • Make multiple thumbnails for each video and test what works best
    • Video hook
      • The opening needs to keep the audience interested in watching the whole thing
      • Don't play long intros or ask for subscription or ramble
      • A good hook gets straight into the value or entertainment or gives a preview of what's to come
      • Fast pacing, lots of cuts, and text on screen helps
    • Script/plot
      • How well you can tell a story
      • Cut out unnecessary parts
    • Presentation and Assets Used
      • If it's you, you have to present wel
      • If not you, your b-roll is crucial
      • Music is massively overlooked by creators - pick the right music
    • Editing
      • Not only quality of editing but how it aids to the story
      • Pro tip: hire an editor
    • Production Quality
      • How good is your microphone, camera, background, etc
      • Pro tip: if you don't have the budget for tons of equipment, focus on good audio equipment
    • Optimization
      • This is optimizing the description, playlists, and end screens
      • End Screen Rabbit hole: don't say anything that indicates the video is ending. Say "now you know about this, next you need to learn about this"
    • Community & Connection
      • This is having in-jokes, names for people
      • Only give one CTA - don't try to say it all "like, subscribe, buy, etc..." Just pick one
      • Give the ask after a particularly interesting part of the video
  • Every one of the above points can be scored out of 10 for a max score of 100.
  • What's the right balance between quality and quantity?
    • Most people suck at Youtube because their videos are mediocre with a score of 40-60
    • Most people would be better off posting one banger (>70) then 3 average videos
    • It's easier to make one video that gets 10M views than 100 videos that get 10,000 views
    • Purple Cow from Seth Godin: a purple cow would spike your attention amongst a field of regular cows
  • Passive income: real but means upfront work for perpetual income
  • Build an evergreen library - topics that people will watch over time
  • Ways to monetize:
    • Youtube ad revenue
    • Fan funding
    • Merch
    • Affiliate links
    • Brand deals
    • Digital products
    • Selling Services
    • Physical products
  • New metric: baseline revenue - how much your channel makes just from old videos
  • To start working with freelancers, start by hiring someone to make thumbnails - sometimes this can be just $5
  • No one is 10/10 at every category so hire specialists

- Make a post in the community tab looking for freelancers from your own audience

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