17 Years of Marketing Advice in 46 Mins by Sabri Suby

Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hASHO5ap1Sw

Sabri: has made $7.8b for thousands of clients in hundreds of country over the past 17 years.

  • Marketing is the most important skill in anyone's career - whether an entrepreneur or an employee
  • Product vs Market: is it all about having a great product? Or great marketing? It's not all or one, it's both. You need both
  • The best businesses have great product and great marketing.
  • Launch your business with an MVP, no more. Only expand once you've proven that there is demand.
  • Market selection is the most important foundation for any business.
  • Organic vs paid: Both have cost. Organic costs time, paid costs money. Organic has huge potential but you cannot rely purely on it, it should feed the paid engine. Organic is good for testing hooks and messages to then boost with paid advertising. One feeds the other.
  • Storytelling: The most highly leveraged skill you can have. Start by being a good writer. Learn to tell compelling and clear stories. Use hemingway.app to clarify your writing.
  • All the best writers/speakers use a 6th grade level of communication.
  • One good hook is worth more than 1000 of the best body copy
  • What you say is infinitely more important than HOW you say it
  • Words should strike like lightning
  • The very first sale you make is the sale for someone's attention, you must grasp that
  • Getting attention is the first key skill
  • You must increase consumption throughout your entire funnel
  • create so much desire for your product that people will line up for your offer
  • If people aren't willing handing over money, you aren't good enough. Your marketing isn't good enough or you're not doing enough of it.
  • Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
  • Chef vs Entrepreneur: The chef starts a restaurant because he loves cooking. But, he ends up hating it because he has to do all the business admin. You need a different set of skills as a business builder: hiring, training, managing, etc.
  • Focus on the activities in your business that are revenue-producing
  • Take big swings - at first, you'll get success through lots of small swings. Later, take bigger and bigger swings for outsized outcomes.
  • Master one channel
  • In any market 3% are looking to buy, 17% are gathering information, 20% is problem aware but not doing anything, and the last 60% aren't problem aware at all
    • If you figure out how to capture people in the last 60%, that's how you take your business to the next level
  • Be patient, make long-term decisions
  • Focus on acquiring skills with the longest half-life. What skills will compound throughout your career? Becoming the best at something like FB ads will have a very short half-life because the technical details of those skills will be completely different in three years. Focus on things like writing, leadership, and communication.
  • Spend 80% of your time on how to increase the lifetime value of a customer. 20% on how to acquire new ones.
  • The antidote to buyer skepticism is value
  • Make a godfather offer: an amazing offer is the most important thing. Take as much risk off the table for the customer as possible.
  • All business owners are in the business of gathering attention and converting it to business
  • If your offer doesn't keep you up at night, it's not strong enough.
  • Showmanship & Service: showmanship is the lost art in business. Service, delight, and surprise your customers. There is a hotel that gives each employee $2000 to spend however they want to surprise and delight customers.
  • The most showmanship you inject into your business, the better customers respond
  • AI & the future of marketing: isn't this going to kill marketing? A lot of manual tasks that we do will eventually and inevitably become automated. But, marketing is always about the ideas and that's not going to change. Your ability to come up with big ideas and apply it to the market will be what wins. Solitude is the state necessary for creativity. You have to let quiet happen to come up with ideas. Unplug from the phone, go for a walk in nature, etc

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