Zero Basing

Zero basing means starting from zero.

The concept comes from accounting.

In business and other organizations, budgets tend to continually grow or at least get neglected. That budget for the [insert irrelevant thing here] is still in the budget even though no one has used one for 20 years.

Each year, at year’s end, I like to zero base my life.

How I zero base:

  • Unsubscribe from podcasts
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters
  • Unfollow people on social media
  • Delete all the apps off my devices
  • Unsubscribe from SaaS subscriptions
  • Get rid of clothes I don’t wear anymore
  • Get rid of books I’ll never read or read again

Then, I only add back the things I really want or that move me in the direction of who I’m trying to become.

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