Review of Durante La Tormenta

How much I recommend it: 7/10

Spanish movie (that I watched in Spanish with English subtitles)

This movie has some Back to The Future vibes but is a psychological thriller rather than a comedy.

A massive storm in 1989 allows a young kid to communicate through his television with a woman 25 years in the future.

It opens with a kid who witnesses some sort of fight going on at his neighbor’s house. He goes over to investigate and finds the neighbor lady dead on the ground with her husband walking down the stairs with a bloody knife in his hand. The kid darts out the house and across the street. As he’s crossing the street, a car hits him and kills him.

Then, it shows us the future. A young family has just moved into the same house as the deceased kid and a historic storm is rolling into town on the same date as the previous one, 25 years later.

The protagonist, a nurse, finds an old TV and camera in her closet. When the storm hits, the TV tunes into a news report from the events of that day and suddenly switches to a kid playing his guitar in the same room she’s sitting in. She recognizes the kid as Nico, the boy that died on that day 25 years earlier and also realizes she is able to talk to him. She warns him not to go outside, that if he does he will die tonight.

And that is where I will the leave story so as not to spoil it.

The movie is full of twists and turns and nothing is what you expect.

The essence of the plot is that by warning young Nico, the protagonist changes the course of her own life’s past. So as she unravels the alternate timeline she came from, she needs to decide whether to return to that one or embrace her new reality.

This movie definitely made me think and I really enjoyed it. The acting is great and the writing is fascinating. It’s well worth the watch.

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