I'm Playing Video Games Again

I used to love video games.

Thinking back on it, much of my social life in my teenage years revolved around playing Halo or Call of Duty or some other game at my friends’ houses.

Then, in college, I got it in my head that video games were a complete waste of time. I got rid of my Xbox and haven’t gamed much since.

I had convinced myself that the only thing I should be doing with my time was activities that make me smarter or move me toward making more money. In other words, “useful” things only. So gaming felt like a waste of time.

But, I had a realization that there is tremendous value in doing things you enjoy for their own sake.

So, this weekend, I downloaded Steam and started playing a few games I haven’t played in years. It was an absolute blast.

I was reminded that there is a lot to learn from video games. Video games teach us persistence, they teach us focus, and they teach us a growth mindset.

Going forward, I’m going to start playing more video games.

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